How to Create Mobile Optimized Ads from Your Existing Ad Group in Adwords

The number of people using mobiles and smartphones in increasing on a rapid basis and you can see it from the web analytics that the number of visitors from mobiles and other gadgets are on par with those coming from desktop computers. In the coming years, the number of mobile users may surpass the desktop users and this is something that we need to take into our thoughts while going for various online marketing activities. It is high time that we think and take different actions so as to go along with the latest trends and make sure that we do not miss out on potential traffic through our internet advertising campaigns.

As we all know, Google Adwords is one of the best Pay per Click (PPC) platform that is available and internet marketers use this tool for driving instant and relevant traffic to their website. The Google Adwords provides an amazing dashboard with a lot of useful features which makes it very much easy to track and manage. We can create Ad campaigns and different ad groups in Google Adwords which makes us things easier to target, test and experiment.

Most of the time we create ads on Adwords and makes the best bidding and optimizing strategy to get the most out of it. But one of the major but simple mistakes that we often do is that we create and optimize the ads only for desktop computers and forget about the mobile devices and other latest gadgets. This was fine if it was 3-5 years back, but now things have changed and the use of smart phones and gadgets are becoming increasingly popular and there is a huge user base on these mobile devices. We cannot sinmply ignore the presence of such a large audience on the smart phones and hence we should try to serve our ads to these audience also.

You can either create a new version of your ad for mobiles or, you can copy your existing ad campaign and make it optimized for mobiles. In short, when you optimize for mobiles, you campaign will have 2 ads. The one is the existing ad and the other one is the ad that you created for mobiles. Let us have a look at how to optimize your Adwords campaign for mobiles in some easy and simple steps.

1) Login to your Adwords Dashboard.
2) Go to a particular Ad group that you need to optimize for mobiles.

3) Enable the check-box on the left side of the campaign that you wish to optimize for mobiles.

4) Now your Ad campaign will be selected and you can click on the edit button above the campaign. Now you can see a drop down menu where you can see the option to Copy” the ad group. Click on the “Copy” link.

5) Now again, click on the edit button and select paste from the drop down option. Now you will get 2 check box messages, one of which says something like “If ad already exists in destination, create duplicate” and you just need to select this option.

6) After this you will be able to see 2 ad groups which are identically same.

7) Click on the edit option of the newly create ad and this edit option is available while taking your mouse to the ad text of the newly copied ad group.

8) In the edit mode, you can see a check box for “Mobile” and you just need to select this option to make that particular ad to be served on mobiles.


9) Now you can see two versions of your ads, one for mobile and the other one your old ad group which is meant for desktop audience.



If you haven’t optimized your Adwords campaign for mobile devices, then you are surely missing out on potential traffic and customers which you cannot afford to lose. It is high time that you optimize your Adwords campaign for mobile devices and drive the most relevant and potential visitors on to your website. Hope that this step becomes a major boost for your overall online advertising activities.

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