Better Keyword Research With Google Adwords Keyword Tool – Video Tutorial

Keyword Research is one of the building blocks of an SEO campaign and the success of the SEO campaign for any website mainly depends on the keyword research part. If the right keywords are researched and selected, then the chances of increasing the search engine visibility of a website is high. On the other part if the keyword research part goes wrong, then whole of the SEO campaign would end on a disastrous note.
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5 Google Market Research Tools That I Use.

Google is one of the major platform for online marketing as it is the most used search engine worldwide with high efficiency and accuracy. Google is the main stage for all the online marketing and market research activities for online professionals, webmasters, SEOs etc. The main part of Google is that they offer various tools for market research which makes the job much easier and flexible.  These market research tools by Google helps you to stay afloat and updated with the ever changing internet trends. So in order to become a successful online marketing professional one must make the habit of using these online research tools in the proper way. So I would like to tell you something about the main 5 market research tools offered by Google, that I use for my online marketing campaigns.

1)  Google Suggest
Google Suggest is another tool by Google which is mainly used for keyword research. Earlier it was run as a separate tool by Google, but there days all the functions of Google Suggest is integrated with Google Search. So for this, you just need to go to and start typing your keywords in the text box. Google will then start to show related and most possible list of Keywords as a drop down. The more specific keywords you type the more specific list it would be showing. This tool has proved very much helpful for me in conducting successful keyword researches.

2)  Google Trends

Google Trends is another useful tool which helps us to compare the popularity of keywords or phrases over a particular time and also over a certain geographical area. You can see the results based on a particular Country, City and Language. Google Trends shows the results for the last 5 years, thus enabling you to check the consistency of a particular keyword or phrase. This tool also helps to compare the search volume of multiple keywords by simply separating the keywords with a comma in the search box.  Google Trends can also be used to know the seasonal popularity of certain keywords and can also be used to know the seasonal trends of a particular keywords or phrases. The tool also shows the main news stories for a particular keyword in the last 5 years. This tool has helped me a lot in making the marketing research and keyword trending analysis for my clients.

3)  Google Alerts
Google Alert tool is a free service offered by the search engine giant Google and is used for getting notified about the latest news, web pages and other market updates related to their keywords, via email. This tool helps you in keeping up to date with the market changes and is very much easy to use.  Google provides 6 types of alerts such as News, Blogs, Comprehensive, Web, Video and Groups. To activate the Google alert, just go to Google Alerts and enter the keyword or a group of keywords separated by OR. Then select the alert Type, How often you need to get the alerts and the email address to which these alerts need to be mailed. Then submit the Create button and you have created a Google Alerts for those keywords. This tool also helps to keep an eye on your competitors.

4)  Google Insights for Search

The Google Insights for Search is another important tool for doing online market research and helps in getting various facts and figures for our online marketing campaign. It can be used to select the proper advertising message, when we have a few keywords in our hand.  Just enter the keywords and select the keyword which shows more interest over the time period. Google Insights for Search can also be used to examine and find the best seasonal keywords. The tool also helps you to make research over various geographical locations, suitable to introducing your product. You would be able to get informative data such as hottest rising keywords, search volume trends, keyword comparison, the Country, State or City where a keyword is popular etc.

5)  Google Adwords Keyword Tool
The Adwords Keyword Tool is another important keyword tool offered by Google and is very useful for your SEO and SEM campaigns. Just enter your keyword or phrases into the box provided and you would get information related to that keyword such as its advertiser competition, local search volume, global monthly search volume, estimated average CPC etc. You can enter more than one keyword or phrases at a time. This tool also helps to get you keywords related to your website content by entering your website URL into the box provided. This is the major tool that is used by SEO professionals for doing keyword research for their website.

And there is one major tool that is not included in the list and that is the Google Search Search Tool. This is nothing but the same tool that we use to search on the net, i.e This is a great tool and can provide insight into many aspect of online marketing. Hope you have enjoyed this post and I would be back with some more in the coming days.