How to View Google Analytics Age-Wise Segmentation Report for Your Website [Free Video Tutorial]

The reports that are being provided by Google Analytics is one of the best things that you can get for your website. You will be able to gather a lot of useful insights about your website that you can use to improve or enhance the performance of your website. With this free video tutorial, we will learn to get an interesting report from Google Analytics and this time it is the age-wise distribution report for your website traffic.

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How to Get the Gender Segregation Report for Your Website Traffic with Google Analytics [Video Tutorial]

Let us again go through a useful Google Analytics video tutorial that can help in improvising the performance of your website. This time, we will see how to get the gender segregation report of Google Analytics for the traffic coming on the website. This report will tell you about how many numbers or percentage of the total traffic of your website is male or female. This report indeed looks interesting when you are promoting specific products and services through your website.

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How to Monitor the Website’s Active Users with Google Analytics [Video Tutorial]

Google Analytics is an amazing website traffic analyzing tool, that has become an integral part of all digital marketers and website owners across the world. The tool helps us to analyze various kinds of reports and metrics that are helpful in improving the performance of the website in the long run. The Active Users report in Google Analytics is another powerful report that gives you a clear indication of how your website is performing.

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How to View City Wise Report for Google Analytics Traffic Sources [Video Tutorial]

Now we will just go through a small video tutorial that shows us how to view the city-wise report for the traffic sources in Google Analytics. The report is simple to be accessed and provides some useful insights for everyone who is keen on the digital marketing activities of their websites. The city-wise report for the traffic sources gives you the details about the cities from which your website got visitors during a particular time frame.

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How to Get the Existing Tracking Code from Your Google Analytics Account [Video Tutorial]

We all use Google Analytics to track the traffic coming to our website and it has become an integral tool of an online marketer. We know that we need to place a small piece of tracking code from Google Analytics onto the website, so as to track the traffic properly. The tracking code is a small javascript code that needs to be placed on the pages that we need to track, and it can be done either by ourselves or with the help of a developer. If the tracking code is not properly placed on the website, you will not be able to receive proper reports from Google Analytics.

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View Live Website Traffic with Google Analytics [Basic Video Tutorial]

Google Analytics is one of the most powerful tool that helps us to analyse and measure the quantity and quality of traffic coming to our website. Majority of the websites use Google Analytics tools to track the visitors or traffic that comes to the website.

The data from Google Analytics can be used for various marketing activities and one of the most important and yet basic data that you will be happy to see from this tool is the live traffic status.

The live traffic report of Google Analytics helps you understand the visitors who are currently on your website and navigating through different pages. You will be able to see various metrics regarding which all pages they are visiting, from which geo-location the traffic is coming, the traffic sources, etc.

The live traffic report is an integral part for our digital marketing activities. The main report sections of Google Analytics usually shows a slight delay in getting it updated, and this is where the live traffic report helps us. With the live traffic report of Google analytics, we will be able to get the report instantly and helps us to find out the results of our digital marketing activities quickly.

Here, let us go through a small video tutorial on how to view the live traffic details of a website, using your Google Analytics account. It is very simple and is directly available on the reports dashboard. So let us watch this video to learn more about it and hope that it is useful to all those who are new into digital marketing and also in using Google analytics tool.

If you are a beginner user of Google Analytics, then you will indeed find this report interesting. Even majority of the experienced digital marketers also find this report very much interesting and regularly keeps an eye on it.