Inbound marketing is the process of promoting a company or business through various online promotional activities such as SEO, social media marketing, white papers, ebooks etc. Inbound marketing is one of the best and effective methods of branding a company online and when compared with other marketing activities, it is also one of the most affordable ways of branding a company. Inbound marketing is mainly about attracting customers towards a company rather than going towards them. The inbound marketing strategies of different companies may vary depending upon the size and nature of the business. Inbound marketing strategies are something that can define the course of your business in a better way and this is quite evident from the fact that a lot of companies are investing more for their inbound marketing activities.
Inbound marketing of a company is not confined to a single activity, rather is spread across various online marketing plans, strategies and activities. Inbound marketing team is indeed the backbone of any company who is serious about improving its business on the internet and hence majority of such companies are investing a good amount of time and money for their inbound marketing activities.
Here are some of the common and important objectives of Inbound Marketing.
1) Traffic Generation
As always, traffic generation is the main objective of any online marketing activity and here also it is the same with inbound marketing. A company’s inbound marketing activities are purely aimed at driving relevant traffic to the websites and its online assets, and this traffic generally has higher chances of getting converted into leads. All the inbound marketing activities are aimed at attracting traffic and if you are not getting traffic to your website after investing in your inbound marketing activities, then you can utterly say that your website and its marketing is a total failure. So irrespective of any niche, the primary goal of an inbound marketing campaign is to get visitors land on the page or make the website visible for the visitors. These visitors might be potential customers and hence if you are doing your inbound marketing in the proper way, then number of potential customers will also increase, which in turn enhances the overall business of the website.
2) Lead Capturing
Let us take a scenario where you are a shop owner and is participating in a big exhibition to showcase the products that you are selling in a shop. A lot of visitors might be visiting the exhibition and you expect to get the contact details of a good number of visitors so that you can contact and promote your products later. There might also be customers who may buy it from the exhibition stall itself. Same is the case with inbound marketing where you need to capture the contact details of interested customers for contacting later. The main objective of any inbound marketing is to capture potential leads using any of the inbound marketing strategies.
3) Lead Conversion
We will go back to the previous point where you have got enough enquiries in hand as a result of your successful participation in the exhibition. Now you have to sort out those leads / enquiries and start following up them and try to convert them into sales. This is the most ultimate steps and you will have to plan your strategies carefully so as to make a better conversion rate. In the case of inbound marketing also you need to plan your inbound marketing activities in a better way so as majority of your leads are converted. It may not be always possible to get a 100% conversion rate, but with a better inbound marketing plan, you can atleast come closer to that number.
4) Convert Customers into Repeat Higher Margin Customers
Once you got a customer, it is always a bad idea to get satisfied with the deal. Instead keep on finding out ways of reaching to your existing customers in such a way that they become part of your top services and products. Initially you might get a customer who buys any of your basic products and says good bye.. But it is your duty to follow them up and update them about your premium products so that they might also end up buying your elite products. There are a lot of methods to convert your customers into your higher margin customers and some of the best things are marketing through various marketing channels such as emails, mobile, website and other social media websites.
This is indeed one of the major factors that can influence the growth of your online business.
5) Find Room for Continuous Improvement
Now you have generated traffic, got enough leads and also converted a good number of leads into sales. An average online business owner will always tend to relax a bit as he gets a feeling that he has done the right thing and is on the right track as far as his inbound marketing activities are considered. But the fact is that, inbound marketing is an area where you cannot dare to slow down and rather you need to be alert and keep on making continuous improvement on your inbound marketing plans. This is mainly because the inbound marketing arena is highly competitive and once you take rest, your competitor might over take and you may lose a good amount of your online customers. So always keep improving your inbound marketing campaigns by experimenting new things and other knowledge that you gather from around.
hitesh patel says
some day later inbound marketing is going to rule….not only big companies but small companies will also take advantage of it..
sravani says
inbound marketing is the key to any start up .useful info!
sravan says
how to to convert your customers into your higher margin customers ….great idea loved the article…