Creating an Image Search Ad with Google Adwords – Tutorial

Most of us might be well familiar with Google Adwords and how it works, and some of us may not use it much frequently. Hence we might not be aware of all the available features of a Google Adwords Campaign. This post is intended to help you to create an Image Search Ad with Google Adwords for Google Image Search.

Displaying Image Ads in the image searches are one of the most effective mode of advertising  and if the images are appealing enough, then the Click Through Rate is sure to soar high. Unlike the regular image ads for searches, the image ads for image searches is an ad format which combines  text and images, making the ad more relevant. Creating a Image Search Ad with Google Adwords is really simple as it offers flexible image ad templates upon which we can create our image ads. For this you need to have a Google Adwords Account. The steps are mentioned below.

1) Login to your Google Adwords account.

2) Next you need to select the Campaign or Ad group on which you want to create the image ad.

3) You can see a tab named Ads inside the Campaign section and you need to click on that.

4) Inside the Ads section you can see a Tab named New ad above the statistics table which is basically a drop down menu. From the drop down list click on the option Display ad builder.

5) There would be a category section in the left navigation and select Templates for Search from the category list.

6) Now you can see 2 ad types namely YouTube Promoted Videos Template and Image Search Ad.  Select the Image Search Ad.

7) Complete the form with Descriptions, URLs and upload your image and preview you Ad.

8) Finally click the button Save Ad.

Now you have successfully set up you Image ad for Google Image search and you can see tangible increase in your traffic from images.


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