For the last few years, we have seen a lot of articles based on “Content is King” and the situation still continues and more vigorously. Good and quality content still holds a prominent role in the success of your search engine optimization campaigns and it seems that the importance of great content on website has increased in the last few months, and that is mainly after the Google Panda effect. Google Panda effect have clearly defined the need for unique and quality content on the website and had started ignoring websites with poor and duplicate content.
I have come across certain websites, which are performing exception well in the search engine in spite of no SEO activities at all. I had a close look at the website and found out that the back links for those websites were pretty good in numbers. When I was informed that these sites are not at all optimized for the search engines even once, I was really shocked and amazed. I just went through the website and at last I found out the major reason behind the amazing search engine visibility of those website. And it was none other than its content, which made it out.
The content of those sites were exceptionally well written and was purely unique in nature. The websites also had a good amount of content spread around different sections and I noticed that most of the content were amazingly informative and useful. The writing style of the content was such that it was really easy to read and understand. The content was well organize which made it very much easy for the readers to navigate through different sections of the website.
After getting an overall idea about the quality of the website content, I came to know how the good number of backlinks were acquired without any SEO campaign. All the links were obtained naturally and we can understand it by the way the links are placed in different sites. Due to the amazing quality of the website content, a lot of websites linked to these website naturally as they found the content more useful and important. Once these sites were linked by a few quality website through better anchor texts, the search engine visibility of these website improved resulting in an increased organic traffic.
Most of these website themes were of medium competition, but still they showed amazing search engine visibility even without any serious SEO activities. So in the coming days if your website does not have that extra content quality, you would find it really difficult to achieve any search engine success. If you have good and informative content you can see a good number of quality backlinks coming your way and that too quite naturally. Links coming in this way are considered to be more powerful as these links are created by the webmaster who considers the website content more useful to its visitors.
So before going for full fledged SEO campaign, make sure that your website have a unique, compelling and informative content. Once these are in place, half of your work is done. In the year 2012, content would be playing a crucial role and would be a major force to reckon with in search engine optimization success.
Hi friends,
Quality content is takes important roll in seo because Google gave extra points to the quality content and the fresh content