5 Useful Twitter Monitoring Tools

Twitter is the most fastest growing social media site and has a large number of users. Twitter is so easy to use and most of the guys use Twitter for various purposes. Usually Twitter stats becomes too complex and makes it  difficult for us to manually monitor the tweets and hence we rely on various Twitter monitoring tools available.

A large number of Twitter monitoring tools are available and I have tried  a few of them. At last I have hand picked the top 5 of them, which I feel comfortable and easy to use. They may not be in the order listed below, but these 5 Twitter monitoring tools are always there in my browser’s bookmark.

1) Dailyrt
Dailyrt  is an online Twitter monitoring tool which helps you to view the most popular tweets on the web. This is one of the most interesting tools and it helps you to monitor tweets based on the hottest tweets, live tweets, personal tweets etc. You can also login with your Twitter account to take advantage of this amazing tool.

2) TweetReach
TweetReach is another powerful Twitter monitoring tool to find how far your Tweets travel. The tools lets you to  search for any term, including a URL, keyword, hashtag, name or phrase.

3) Twidentify
Twidentify helps you to view people who gets retweeted the most, current discussions and trends and also lets you know about the related conversations happening.

4) BackTweets
This Twitter monitoring tool is used to search for particular links on Twitter. The tool also has an advanced search option which makes your searching more flexible.

5) TweetMeme
This is the most common and widely used Twitter monitoring tool which is used to search and find the hottest stories on Twitter. It shows you Tweets based on the category and is used to make it easier for you to filter and share your searches.


  1. Andy @ FirstFound says

    That’s the second post I’ve read today referencing TweetMeme. Strange.

    Great post though.

  2. ellison says

    Very interesting! I just started with twitter and your suggestions are really great. thanks a lot!

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