Google Panda Update Rolled Out

Google Panda is one of the latest algorithm update by Google, and is mainly aimed at identifying the low quality web pages and sites. There are many web pages and websites which provides low quality content when user searches for a particular keyword in Google, and this has been a major area of concern for a long time. At last Google decided to sort it out and launched the Google Panda update initially in the US.  The Panda update started getting its desired results and finally Google rolled out this update globally to increase the quality of the search results.

The major set back due to the Google Panda update would be experienced by the websites with content farms, low quality links and crappy content. The algorithm focuses on bringing high quality sites into the search results there by increasing the overall quality of the search results. The algorithm also emphasis on the usability of a webpage. Some of the other areas that the new update focuses are the navigational structure of the website, uniqueness of the content, relevancy of the content, the amount of third part advertisements on the webpage, low quality links etc.

Most of the bigger websites have started seeing the impact of this major update and one of them was eZinearticles who experienced a slump in their overall traffic since the Panda update has been launched. eZineArticles is one of the leading article submission sites, which receive a huge number of articles every day. As a result of this they are planning it out to overcome and tackle the Google Panda update.  One of the best way to overcome the update is to obey Google’s quality guidelines. You can also seek help from Google’s Webmaster Help forum.

Since the launch of this update a few months back, Google has brought a few things to increase the quality of the searches. One of them was the option to block unwanted results in the search page for Chrome users.  In this case once the user blocks a  link in the result,  he would not be seeing that result in his future search results. Another one was the +1 button in search results pages, which Google considered to be a decisive thing in the ranking factor.

So if your site has been affected by the Google Panda update, then there is nothing serious to worry. Just make your content unique, make a user friendly layout, increase the quality of your content and backlinks and stay away from other black hat SEO techniques. Google Panda update seems to be a blessing in the long run, as it would help us in getting  a better search experience by providing relevant and quality results for our search queries.

If you are not able to overcome the situation even after following the above mentioned thing, there is nothing to panic. Just stick with the above things and it may sometime take a bit of time, before you start getting the desired list.

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