Meta descriptions are one of those on page SEO element which is not given due respect by most of the SEO professionals. Title tag, Meta Description tag and Meta Keywords tags are 3 of the most basic and important onpage SEO elements that is present on a website. Few years back, all these three elements held high importance infront of Google’s search algorithm and people started overly optimizing these elements in order to rank higher in search engine results pages.
Off late Goole’s algorithm has brought some sort of changes regarding the importance of these elements and as a results the Meta Keyword element almost lost its importance as an influential element in determining the search engine results. The Meta description element also lost some of its old charm and no more plays a huge influential role in ranking a website as it used to be few years back.
But still the Meta Description tags are being implemented by every SEO professionals, and they still they have some small amount of magic left for search engine ranking. Apart from this small ranking ability the Meta descriptions are clearly responsible for driving search engine traffic to a website. These days Meta Description tags are driving more traffic to any websites when compared with their performance few years back. But how?
The answer is quite simple as the Meta Descriptions with a strong call to action nature serves as a perfect ad copy in Google organic search results. If the Meta Descriptions are written in a marketing call to action style, then it is sure to convert a good percentage of search engine visitors into website visitors by prompting them to click on the search result. So a well written Meta Description will obviously result in a better click through rate and there by more traffic to any particular website.
These days just optimizing the Title tag will not get your search engine traffic, rather you need to create a call to action Meta description that clearly specifies your web page and at the same time asks the search engine visitor to click on the result for more details. The Meta description should be written in such a way that any visitor must normally try to click on the result link and know more about it on the webpage.
In a call to action Meta description you need to make sure that the description should reflect what the users are looking for and you also need to keep things short within a word count of around 250. If it is a product page it will be better if you can add the price range which will help in getting more clicks. For any other general page, adding a contact number and a geographical location will help you get more leads.
So a well written call to action Meta Description will
1) Get more clicks.
2) Get targeted visitors.
3) More potential / promising visitors.
4) Help to know about your page from the search result itself.
5) More leads and sales.
If you are not yet convinced, then just try and test your webpages with relevant and well written meta tags and see the difference.
very useful article, I donot know even a-b-c of all this, but today only added meta tag description on the advice and guidance of a fellow blogger. I will also go through related articles.
Thanks Meenakshi for dropping in your comment and pretty happy to know that you liked the article.