Social Bookmarking sites allows you to bookmark your favorite websites / web pages and access it from anywhere in the world. Social Bookmarking sites are the best sources to get traffic to your site, provided used in the proper way. A lot of social bookmarking sites have surfaced since last few years and all these book marking sites are used in order to get adequate traffic to websites. Social Bookmarking also serves as a good resource for getting back links and these sites are regularly indexed by search engines. Among all the social bookmarking websites available, there are some sites which send enormous traffic to your site. As per my experience, I would like to list the top 5 social bookmarking sites that have send traffic to my websites all along. The listing is in the order of the amount of traffic generated.
5 Social Media Sites that I Use
Social Media sites have become an integral part of online marketing and has made the online marketing process and traffic generation much more easier. Social Media sites includes social networking and social bookmarking sites, which are mainly based on Web 2.0 technologies. To have an excellent social media profile one must be hard working and would be willing to spare time on these sites, growing the network, reading and appreciating others stuffs. In social media sites, you are able to interact with the other users through sharing and participation. I am also a Social Media addict and is a member of various Social MEdia Sites. Here I would like to share a few Social Media sites that I find more important.
Digg is the most popular social bookmarking site where you are able to post interesting articles from the net. If the articles of news that you are posting is of great interest, it would be getting more votes. Once it gets a certain amount of vote (Diggs) in a particular period of time, you post would get into the most popular pages. Once you post gets on to the most popular pages, the site which contains the submitted article or news is bound to get a huge amount of traffic. Since Digg is too sensitive avoid doing spammy stuff and creating multiple accounts from the same domain, as your Digg account, your IP adress and even your website may get banned from Digg.
2) StumbleUpon
StumbleUpon is another interesting social media sites, where you are able to submit interesting articles and get traffic based on the interest it generates among the other users. In Stumbleupon your post can get an upvote (Thumbs up) or a down vote (Thumbs Down) based on its quality. In StumbleUpon also you have to maintain a good network which contains users of similar interest as you. You can also Join certain groups, which suites your interest and requirements. StumbleUpon is said to derive quality traffic with lower bounce rate and is very popular among social media enthusiasts.
Twitter is another famous social media site which is growing at a rapid pace. Twitter is actually a microblogging social media site, where you can share your stuffs with a character length which is limited to 140. Twitter has emerged as a powerful social media tool and is also know for generating high quality traffic. More and more users are registering for Twitter and many companies and Organization has found Twitter as an effective tool for marketing and lead generation.
Another social bookmarking site, which is based on voting up / voting down, some what similar to Digg. Even though not as popular as Digg, it is soon carving a niche for itself in the social media world. It also has the popular section, where an article / news is displayed after it has attained a certain number of votes and user comments. Mixx has the options of creating and joining groups and communities, which helps in getting votes and traffic. This site also derives quality traffic to the site, but requires constant work and participation to build a reputable profile.
Twine is the latest Social Media site that I have started using and have found it to be extremely good for quality traffic generation. Twine also requires you to build a good network and regular participation to stay afloat in the competition. If you have a good network you would be able to share and bookmark good stuffs among your network. In Twine you have the facility to create and Join groups, which would prove to be a major source of traffic generation.
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