5 Important Forums for SEOs / Webmasters

Forums are learning centers for any professional and are usually open discussion platforms where we can discuss anything about our niche. SEO forums are the real coaching centers for SEO professionals where they can discuss and share information which are useful to them. Forums are used as a medium for clearing doubts and learning new tricks of the trade.

Presently there are a large number of SEO forums available, but it is not possible to participate in all of them. People only participate in the most popular forums and depends on several other factors. I have handpicked and listed 5 of the most important SEO forums, which are useful for all SEOs / Webmasters.

1) Search Engine Watch
This is the most popular among the SEO forums with a page rank of 6 and Alexa rank for the overall site with 3,052. It covers a number of different SEO topics and have a large user base, which helps you a lot in open discussions.

2) Webmaster World
The Webmaster World forum with a page rank of 5 is a useful SEO forum where you can discuss SEO topics along with other wide range of topics such as designing, development etc. The forum has an overall Alexa rank of 753.

3) SEO Chat
SEOChat Forum is one of the favorite SEO forum, where I participate on a regular basis. It has a page rank of 5 and Alexa site rank of 2,468. It contain expert SEO professionals who are always willing to participate in the discussions in order to help and clear our doubts.

4) Webpro World
Webpro World is another useful SEO forum which covers a wide topic and have active discussions and experts users. It has a Google page rank of 5 and overall Alexa rank of 8,188

5) High Rankings
Another forum where I spend and discussion topics on SEO is highrankings.com. This forum is an active one with a Google Page rank of 5 and Alexa rank of 12822. Even though its Alexa rank is higher, the forum members are industry specific experts and are very much active.

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