Twitter Analyzer….An Amazing Tool to Analyze Your Twitter Profile


There are many online tools for managing ones Twitter account, and I have mentioned about some 10 Twitter tools which are very much useful in managing your Twitter profile. This week I came across another interesting online tool for analyzing your Twitter account and is known as Twitter Analyzer. Twitter Analyzer provides an excellent graphical representation of your Twitter account performance which is very much helping in evaluating your Twitter account. This tool is one of the best I have seen so far when consider such similar tools.

Twitter AnalyzerTo use this tool just enter your Twitter username into the text box provided in the main page of the website. You can see a graphical representation of the number of Tweets per each day. If you click on the number of Tweets on any particular day on the graph, you would be able to see more detailed information. These information include details such asTotal Update Messages, Total Updates Retweeted, Percentage of Updates Retweeted, Unique Users Retweeting etc.

At the bottom of the Tweet Analyzer dashboard there are certain buttons which are very much useful, and these buttons are named User, Friends, Mentions, Groups, Trends and Fun. I would like to elaborate all these buttons individually to you and these are based on my limited knowledge only.

This button contains default user information such as the number of Tweets on each day, retweet ratio, unique user retweet, unique readers reach etc. There is another sub button of the User button named Chats which tells you the details about the message interactions between you and your followers. There is another button named Popularity which tells you about your popularity rate, i.e how many times your profile name has been mentioned in Twitter. Another button named Reach determines the number of readers that have been exposed to your messages. The button named Subjects gives you an idea about the tops subjects that you are Tweeting about. The Hash Tag buttons tells you about the top Has Tags that you are using in your Tweets. The Links button tells you about the tops links that you have used for Tweeting. And Finally the Apps buttons gives you the details of the top Twitter applications that you are using to Tweet your messages.

The Friends button in Twitter Analyzed is another interesting button which gives you an idea about your friend’s activities. There is a sub button named Online Followers which give you the number of the total followers that are online which you login to your account at any point of time. The button Followers Growth Rate tells you about how many new users you add or lose each day. The Followers Density Map gives you idea about the geographical locations of your Twitter followers. The Followers Activity button tells you information about how many of your followers are active on Twitter. The RTing Friends provides data about the follower who Retweet your Tweets the most. The Closest Friends button provides information on the friends that you contact the most. The Disregarded Friends button gives you the list of your most disregarded friends, ie the list of friends or followers who send you messages, but you didn’t reply them back.

The Mentions button helps to see the list of friends that you most mention in your chats and messages. The My Mentioning – All sub button gives you the list of friends that you have mentioned most. My Mentioning – Updates tells you about the friends that you mention most in your updates. The My Mentioning – Social button tells you about the details of friends you most mention in your Chat Messages. TheMy Mentions – All button gives you the list of all the friends that mention you the most. The My Mentions – Updates button gives the list of friends who mention you the most in their Update Messages. The My Mentions-Social button helps you see the friends most mentioning you in their Chats.

Groups by OccupationThe Twitter Analyzer Group button allows grouping your friends by occupation, joining date, popularity, gender and actions. The Groups By Occupation sub button in Twitter Analyzer tells you details about the job and occupation of your followers. The Groups By Join Date button tells you about the join date of your followers. The Groups By Popularity gives list of your friends based on their popularity, and the button Groups By Gender arranges or groups your followers by gender. The Groups by Actions button help you see what your followers are doing the most.

The button Trends and Fun are yet to be live and are under development. Hope they must provide more interesting facts and figures to this already amazing tool. I hope you all will enjoy this tool and would start using this in your day to day tweeting process. Thanks…Twitter Analyzer Button