How to Edit An Existing YouTube Video Easily in Simple Steps

Once you have got videos uploaded on your Youtube Channel, at some point you will find it necessary to edit the meta content associated with the video. The major meta content area that can be edited includes title, description, tags, thumbnail, category, playlist, etc. You might need to edit them so as to improve the search visibility of the video and attract new viewers. Editing the content of an existing video is not a difficult task and it can be done easily in several ways.

Remember that you will not be able to edit the uploaded video, but only its meta elements.

So, here we will see how we can edit the meta content of the video that is already uploaded on a Youtube channel. You can also watch the video given in the end section to learn to edit the meta content of an existing YouTube.

1) Log into your YouTube channel.

2) Go to your YouTube channel dashboard.

3) Click on the link named “Content” on the right-hand side.

4) Now, you will see the list of your uploaded videos. Hover your mouse over any video that you want to edit and you will be able to see a symbol of a pencil with the text “Details”. Click on this symbol.

5) You will be taken to a Video details page, where you can edit meta fields such as Title, Description, Tags, Thumbnail, Playlist, Category etc.

6) Click the “SAVE” button on the top right after making necessary edits.

7) Your edited video is now saved.

Now you have edited the meta elements of your Youtube video successfully and that too in simple steps. While editing, you need to make sure that you have done it properly and saved it at the end. Editing a YouTube video’s content can be done once or twice in 6 months so as to get more relevant visitors from search engines and YouTube’s search option.

The below video will clearly show you how to edit the meta elements of the YouTube video in simple steps. Go through the video and it will clearly explain it to those who are not aware of how to edit YouTube video content.