Online Marketing: Affordable Ways Which Boost Your Online Website Traffic

The internet is a powerful tool in today’s world. It is said that the internet helps consumers to find the right needle in the haystack of digital data and information. You can use several economical techniques to increase the traffic to your website.

Here are some of the affordable Ways to increase the popularity of your website:

1. Use email marketing –
Consumers today demand quick information about products they use on a daily basis. They also want to enjoy personal rapport with the companies’ that make the products. Email marketing boosts website traffic and thus increases sales. It also helps bridge the gap between seller and consumer.

2. Increase your visibility on the Internet –
You must ensure that the information you provide on your website is available for free to consumers. There should be good quality information and it should be original. This is very effective to increase traffic to your website and does not involve any additional cost to the company.

3. The website should be made easy to subscribe –
Having an RSS feed linked to your website can go a long way in attracting people to your blog. RSS feed helps consumers subscribe easily and thus increases traffic to your website. However, you would need to avoid partial feed as this would adversely affect subscribers.

4. Use social networking to popularize your website –
There are several social network sites such as FaceBook, Twitter, MySpace, etc that offer a wide range of possible profiles. These could be used to network with people in a niche area and customize your products,thus getting traffic to your website. Being visible and good networking helps people locate you easily and they also get a picture of what you have to offer. You could also use photos to market your website further.

5. Use a “refer to friends” script on your website –
Adding such a script to your webpage makes it very easy for people to share your website link with others. Anyone who finds the website interesting can easily forward the link to that webpage to their circle of friends. This directly increases traffic to your website and builds the number of customers with no additional costs to the company.

6. Use Press releases –
There are websites that offer a free of charge press release. This can be used to popularize your website and increase the traffic to your webpage. It is vital that you chose the right angle for your press release.

7. Using a good signature is advantageous –
A signature included at the bottom of an email acts like a reference to the business. Every correspondence should include your signature. It must include the name of your business, your email address, the URL, as well as your phone number. Keep the signature stamp short (up to four lines max) the signature must be used in blogs, forum posts as well as emails.

On-line marketing offers ease as well as savings in terms of cost. Consistent marketing of your website is key to improving exposure and obtaining consistent traffic to your website.

About The Author: Info on Rich Gorman; he is a veteran in direct response marketing and advertising.