Is This Another Set-back for Twitter Monetization?

In another shocking announcement, Twitter has revealed its plan to ban the third party paid Tweets  via its API. This would be a huge setback for companies such as, SponsoredTweets, Mylikes etc, which has been a strong force among the companies offering sponsored Tweets.

These companies used to inject Tweets into a Twitter profile using the Twitter API and paid the Twitter user depending on various factors. This was also a great opportunity for the power Tweeters to monetize their Twitter account and earn some handsome money.

Twitter has stated that the use of Third Party Twitter advertising sites has somewhat resulted in the spamming of Twitter stream along with a bad user experience.  Even though the ban is not immediately implemented on the advertising companies, we can see the effect in the coming days with Twitter banning them on a gradual basis. The companies that are not working as per Twitter Guidelines and Terms of service are sure to suffer from this.

Twitter says that it is focusing on its own advertising system, known as the Promoted Tweets. Promoted Tweets are Twitter’s new advertising technique for displaying paid Tweets from advertisers on the top of Twitter Search results. Twitter has already started its Promoted Tweets with partners such as Red Bull, Sony Pictures, Starbucks, Best Buy etc.

Even though the ban will be gradual, this decision by Twitter would be a major set-back for all the Twitter monetization efforts put in by users and advertisers. Most of the Twitter third party advertisers were doing well and the publishers were being payed handsomely. But this decision is sure to leave all of them shocked and shattered.

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